Tips for coping with vision changes

You will need to work with medical specialists like ophthalmologists, optometrists, and/or neurologists to determine what is causing your vision problems and what treatments may help you the most. However, there are some coping methods and tools you can try to make your life easier.

For example, if you are experiencing partial vision loss you could [1]:

  • Practice turning your head to the areas where you have sight.
  • Label switches “on” and “off” with bright pieces of tape so you can tell when equipment is on or off.
  • Make fonts bigger or get large-print books.
  • Use brightly coloured writing tools.
  • Take breaks often from activities that rely on eyesight. This is especially important when reading, watching television, or using an electronic device. One great way to keep on top of this is to follow the 20/20/20 rule. Look up every 20 minutes and focus on something at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.
  • Use a magnifying glass.
  • Use contrast settings to make an object stand out from the background. For example, use a dark-colored plate for light food, or a light cutting board for prepping dark food. You can use these settings on your devices too.
  • Keep surfaces uncluttered to avoid too much visual input.
  • Keep items you use together in the same area. For example, keep keys and wallets together so you don’t have to look in multiple places.

Other strategies for partial or complete vision loss can include:


Braille is a system of raised dots that you can use to read with your fingers. This enables people with vision loss to read, work, and learn.

Use adaptive technology

Technology today has a lot of features that make it accessible to people with vision problems. This includes:

  • Mobile phones and tablets that have voiceover features
  • Described video features for television and film
    Braille displays and notetakers
  • Computers with magnification and screen readers
  • Digital applications designed specifically for the visually impaired

You can learn more about adaptive technology on the CNIB website. There is also a Tech for Good a digital accessibility program.

Arrange your environment

While the way you complete tasks may change, your home environment can be altered to make it as easy as possible for you. Some changes can include moving stuff that would get in your way/trip you, adding braille labels to objects, and keeping everything in the same place so you can learn how to move around furniture or find the items you need.

An occupational therapist can set up your environment for your needs and teach you new ways to safely complete tasks.

Use guiding tools for moving

Many people with vision problems use tools and equipment to help them with walking and travelling. This includes:

CNIB has more information on living with blindness that can be helpful in learning to cope with these changes.

Ask for appropriate online accessibility features

While many organizations are working hard to make sure they are accessible for people with vision problems, you may come across a website or page that does not have appropriate options for you. If this happens, you have the right to reach out to the company, organization, or person and ask for appropriate accessibility options.

Losing sight is incredibly difficult to cope with and will require you to adapt your life. These adaptations are emotionally and mentally demanding and can impact your wellbeing. When coping with the changes that come with a brain injury, it is important to take care of your mental health as well.

Disclaimer: There is no shortage of web-based online medical diagnostic tools, self-help or support groups, or sites that make unsubstantiated claims around diagnosis, treatment and recovery. Please note these sources may not be evidence-based, regulated or moderated properly and it is encouraged individuals seek advice and recommendations regarding diagnosis, treatment and symptom management from a regulated healthcare professional such as a physician or nurse practitioner. Individuals should be cautioned about sites that make any of the following statements or claims that:

  • The product or service promises a quick fix
  • Sound too good to be true
  • Are dramatic or sweeping and are not supported by reputable medical and scientific organizations.
  • Use of terminology such as “research is currently underway” or “preliminary research results” which indicate there is no current research.
  • The results or recommendations of product or treatment are based on a single or small number of case studies and has not been peer-reviewed by external experts
  • Use of testimonials from celebrities or previous clients/patients that are anecdotal and not evidence-based

Always proceed with caution and with the advice of your medical team.