Assistive Devices

Assistive devices and technology are apps, equipment, or any other aids that can help improve your quality of life after a brain injury. They help you navigate some of the changes you’re experiencing. For example, you might have trouble remembering things, paying attention, seeing things, or hearing when people are speaking. You might use aids to help with those challenges.

Let’s talk about: 

The following list is a small sample of the assistive devices and technologies available to help you. If you are looking for more options, check with your health care providers, other people with brain injury, and your local brain injury association for ideas and recommendations.

Before you keep reading

Your health care provider will be the one to make recommendations for your specific needs, and they should be consulted if you have any questions about assistive technology. You should also make sure you talk to them to make sure you are using any devices safely. If there’s a device you want to try, make sure to ask lots of questions about it and get a professional opinion.

For moving/mobility

You may need help moving around in order to be comfortable. The following aids might be recommended for you.

Canes are a walking aid, generally used by people who have some unsteadiness and need extra support. Canes that have a metal base with 4 feet can provide even more support than a standard cane (without feet) because it has 4 points touching the ground versus one.

Walkers are an excellent assistive aid if you can walk but experience muscle weakness or unsteadiness/balance issues. Compared to canes and walking poles, walkers provide more support because you can put more weight on them. While most walkers have wheels for easy movement, some do not. Your doctor will be able to provide recommendations specific to your needs.

Walking poles are sometimes used for hiking but they can also be used for people who want extra support and safety when walking outside on uneven ground. These walking poles can be ordered online, or in some cases can be found in sports equipment or medical stores. Make sure to find ones that are good for rehabilitation. There is a difference between poles that are used in sport (like skiing or hiking poles that provide a light amount of support), and poles designed specifically to help with mobility and balance. It’s also important to follow instructions and use them correctly.

Wheelchairs can be manual or motorized and come with a variety of features designed to make mobility easier. If you do need a wheelchair, you may have to adjust your home environment in order to accommodate the change. Wheelchairs should be fitted by an occupational or physical therapist who can make sure wheel types, seating, and other parts of the wheelchair are tailored to you.

At night

You may need extra help getting comfortable or sleeping safely. The following aids might help with that.

If you toss and turn while you sleep, or are at risk of falling out of bed, bed rails (which often go on the side) can help keep you from falling.

If getting in and out of bed is challenging, you can get bed steps – or a bed that’s lower to the ground – to help you.

If you need total darkness to fall asleep, meditate, or unplug, a sleep mask can help you relax because it restricts light. If you don’t like having something on your face or around your eyes while you sleep, blackout curtains can also work.

Adjustable beds can make it easier to find a comfortable sleeping position, improve circulation, and transform into a chair for day use.

A supportive pillow is designed to reposition your body and reduce pain to help you sleep. Some supportive pillows look like a regular pillow, but others have different shapes for different body parts. You can get a supportive pillow for your neck, shoulders, back, knees and more.

In the kitchen

A parent(s) or guardian(s) may handle a lot of the cooking, but learning how to do it on your own is an important part of growing up. If you can make meals for yourself, you can take care of yourself and live as independently as possible now and in the future. Depending on the effects of your brain injury, cooking might be difficult to do on your own, but there are all kinds of kitchen items that can make it more accessible. Ask your occupational therapist if they have any recommendations specific to your needs, but here are a few examples.

There are several automatic stove turn-off devices that can be helpful if you experience challenges with your memory and forget to turn off the stove.

You can add grips to your silverware to make it easier to hold a fork, spoon, or knife so you can eat independently. They can also be used for writing utensils such as pens and pencils.

You can still enjoy cooking with alternative tools. There are plenty of kitchen tools such as knives, cutting boards and pots/pans that are designed for people who can only use one hand. For example, when cutting you might need a hand to hold a knife and another hand to hold the food in place. But, a rocker knife can be used with one hand by rocking it back and forth on a food’s surface until it cuts through.

There are different names for it, but a pot watcher is essentially a heat-resistant disc that goes into a pot or kettle. It rattles when liquid starts to boil as a reminder for the person cooking. This is a great tool for people who like to cook but may get distracted.

In the bathroom

Getting help to shower or use the toilet can be very vulnerable. These are the most private moments that you don’t expect to share with anyone else. However, there is no shame in getting help as we all do the same thing in the bathroom. But there are some alterations you can make, so you can shower and use the toilet as independently as possible.

Shower chairs or benches can help you bathe safely while sitting down to reduce your risk of falling.

Grab bars can be installed in various places in the bathroom to help you in and out of a shower or bathtub, or up and down on the toilet. These grab bars are installed specifically to support your weight. Towel bars and hooks should not be used as grab bars because they’re not designed to hold your weight.

If you sit down in the shower, a handheld shower head allows for easier cleaning and more maneuverability.

Raised toilet seats can be incredibly helpful if you find sitting far down challenging.

Examples of assistive technology and tools

There are several different types of technological tools, digital settings, and practical tools that can be helpful for you.

Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok have different accessibility features like text-to-speech, auto-captions, and image descriptions. These features can help you stay connected with peers, organizations, or online groups that are important to you.

Handheld technology like our phones and computers can be an incredible tool, especially with all the different kinds of apps out there. You can use these devices to find creative solutions to problems you’re having, stay in touch with others, and more.

  • If you’d like to learn more about digital accessibility, check out the March of Dimes Tech for Good program

A hearing aid can help improve your hearing and speech comprehension by making sound frequencies higher. Consult with an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist or your doctor about whether a hearing aid would help you.

For people who don’t want to keep a physical journal or struggle writing by hand, there are free and paid smartphone/tablet applications like Voice Diary for Android and Day One for Apple that allow you to journal through voice notes instead of typing.

If you find standard print hard to see, you can get a large print calendar. These make it easier for people to read, especially from a distance.

A medical bracelet isn’t a tool or device, but it’s a valuable way to convey information about brain injury to medical professionals (such as emergency personnel), caregivers, and even the person with a brain injury if they are experiencing memory issues.

An alternative to a medical bracelet is an emergency identification card or storing the information on your smartphone. Many smartphones now have a feature that enables you to make someone your emergency contact, which can be accessed by first responders.

Mind mapping software breaks down large amounts of text and data into manageable chunks with colours, shapes, and pictures that make it easier to learn lessons at school and organize your thoughts. You can talk to your teachers and parents about finding a software that works for you (keep in mind that some may cost money).

If you have double vision, prism glasses can help align two images into one. Eye doctors prescribe prism eyeglasses based on specific tests.

There are plenty of smartphone and computer applications available for free or for purchase that make keeping a digital calendar or setting reminders easy. Asana, Monday, and Trello are examples of free project management tools you can use to keep track of appointments and tasks and set reminders.

Computers, tablets, and smartphones can be equipped with screen reader software that will read out text and image descriptions on your screen. Some computer operating systems even have screen readers (or narrators) built in. This assistive technology is helpful for people who have difficulty using screens or vision problems.

Not all screen readers are the same and some may cost money. You can find the right screen reader for you by asking specialists on your rehabilitation team for their recommendations. You can then begin looking at free vs. paid programs and reviews from other users to determine which recommendation would be best for you.

If you have visual challenges, regular screen settings (colour, contrast and brightness for example) don’t work. There are built-in computer settings that can help, but they are limited. Apps like QuickShade for Apple or Calibrize for Windows have more customization to make your screen more comfortable to look at.

Smart pens (along with the appropriate smart paper) can turn handwritten notes into digital notes and audio recordings. Some can even store pages or audio notes directly on the pen.

If you are unable to write, speech-to-text software can take what you say and turn it into text on a computer, smartphone, or tablet. This is helpful for emails, text messages, reports, and more.

Talking calculators read each number or symbol you press out loud. The speech feature can help if you have visual limitations or need more time to process information before giving your answer on a test or dealing with money.

There are digital clocks and calendars that go one step further. They not only show the date and time, they say it too. Depending on the model of the clock/calendar, they may also show other relevant information such as temperature and weather.

Smart technology is becoming more and more integrated into homes. Using smart technology and applications makes it possible to do things like send alerts to a caregiver when a person leaves their bedroom (ideal for people with memory or balance issues), set up automatic reminders, and more.

Smart technology does cost money and will need professional installers.

Health care professionals may have some recommendations for smart technology that other patients have found helpful.

Taking notes in any form may be difficult for some. Audio recorders can be used to record conversations, important meetings, doctors’ appointments, and journal entries. The recordings can be saved on a computer or compatible device.

Smart technology watches and timers can be worn and used by people with brain injuries to remember the date and time, set timers for activities, and set reminders to complete tasks. Some can even take voice memos.

Financial aid for assistive technology/devices

If you have a disability, there are several different funding programs available to provide assistance. They are run by provincial/territorial governments, local nonprofits, or community organizations. Funding programs for assistive devices will have different eligibility requirements, so not all programs may be available to you. Check with your local brain injury association to see if they have information on funding programs.

March of Dimes Canada’s Tech for Impact Fund is providing funding towards purchasing technology to support Canadians living with a disability.

There are also grants available at the federal and provincial/territorial levels that can assist with accessibility renovations. You can find the list of current renovation grants on this page.

Disclaimer: There is no shortage of web-based online medical diagnostic tools, self-help or support groups, or sites that make unsubstantiated claims around diagnosis, treatment and recovery. Please note these sources may not be evidence-based, regulated or moderated properly and it is encouraged individuals seek advice and recommendations regarding diagnosis, treatment and symptom management from a regulated healthcare professional such as a physician or nurse practitioner. Individuals should be cautioned about sites that make any of the following statements or claims that:

  • The product or service promises a quick fix
  • Sound too good to be true
  • Are dramatic or sweeping and are not supported by reputable medical and scientific organizations.
  • Use of terminology such as “research is currently underway” or “preliminary research results” which indicate there is no current research.
  • The results or recommendations of product or treatment are based on a single or small number of case studies and has not been peer-reviewed by external experts
  • Use of testimonials from celebrities or previous clients/patients that are anecdotal and not evidence-based

Always proceed with caution and with the advice of your medical team.