Share your story

Do you have a brain injury? Do you love someone who does? Please think about sharing your personal story through BRITE and Brain Injury Canada.

Stories are powerful tools for connection, peer support, education, and advocacy within our diverse community. Your story can make a difference to other kids, providing inspiration, comfort, and advice.

Checklist for writing and sharing your story

When writing your story, please use the follow checklist:

  • When and how did my brain injury happen?
  • What are some things I’ve had a hard time with?
  • What advice or tips do I have for other kids with brain injury?
  • What do I want people to know about living with brain injury?

Once your story is written, ask yourself:

  • Is it at least 300 words long? (Your story can be as long as you want, but we ask that it be at least 300 words).
  • Do I have a photo to go with my story?

Now you’re ready to share!

Please keep in mind

  • We will not be publishing stories that use offensive, hurtful or rude language.
  • We will not be publishing stories that talk about other people, Canada’s medical systems or the government negatively – the goal of these stories is to provide a source of positive encouragement and advice for others.
  • Please avoid using overly graphic or explicit language when it comes to medical procedures and/or injury.
  • If you currently have an active insurance claim or are in a legal process, you may want to speak to you parent/guardian and/or lawyer before submitting your story.

The Brain Injury Canada team may edit your story for accessibility purposes (e.g. adding periods). We will reach out to you for permission for any big edits.

At any point, you may reach out to Brain Injury Canada to request that your story be removed.

When you submit your story, we will only share your first name and the first initial of your last name (for example, Jane D.).

I'm ready to share my story